Benefits of the Rowing Machine


Benefits of row machineChoosing a workout program can prove to be overwhelming, especially for newbies. However, getting in shape does not necessarily mean you have to hit the pavement for strenuous runs or scale mountains.

A rowing machine is a fitness game changer that is not only great for increasing stamina but also for weight loss, toning and building muscles. It is a great way to improve your fitness level and overall health because it’s easy to use, low impact and it also provides a full-body muscle workout for all fitness levels and ages.

Rowers will help you develop both your lower and upper body by working out all major muscle groups. Moreover, a rowing machine provides a serious aerobic workout that gets your lungs working and heart pumping. Here are some of the main benefits of using a rowing machine.

Why is Rowing Good Exercise?

A rowing machine provides a full-body workout because the rowing motion involves all major muscle groups of the upper and lower body. The entire rowing motion works out your arms, legs, core, and back. It also helps you develop stronger forearms and hands because your hands must grip the handle throughout the rowing motion.

When you’re in the “catch” position (the start of the rowing motion), you use your legs to push off and this works out your calves, buttocks, hamstrings and quads. The next phase which is commonly known as “the drive” begins with your legs straight as you start to lean back while pulling the handle to your lower chest. The drive works out 85% of all the muscles in your body. During “the finish” phase of the rowing motion, you have leaned back slightly and pulled the handle to your chest.

The finish phase engages your entire core and your body is ready to spring back forward. During the last phase known as “the recovery”, you return to the beginning of the rowing motion (the catch phase). This requires all your stabilizer muscles and core to spring your body forward.

Most rowing machines are equipped with adjustable resistance which can be used to make your workout easier or more challenging depending on your fitness level and preference.

A Rowing Machine workout is Great Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise

Besides providing a full-body workout, rowing machines will also give you a great cardiovascular workout. A rowing machine will give you one of the most challenging anaerobic and aerobic exercises of all the indoor exercise machines. A rowing machine allows you to control the intensity of your exercise by how slow or fast you row.

Think of anaerobic as short, sprint sessions and aerobic as long, steady sessions. However unlike running or biking, a rowing machine works out your entire body by defining and building muscle. This makes the rowing machine better at burning fat.

Some of the main rowing machine benefits include :benefits of row machine

  • lowering of blood pressure,
  • an increase in stamina,
  • a stronger immune system,
  • and strengthening of your respiratory system and heart.

Your body releases endorphins which can help improve your sleep quality and mood.

Is Rowing good for Weight Loss?

Regular rowing workouts can give you increased energy, help you burn calories and tone muscles. When using a rowing machine vigorously, you can burn up to 1,000 calories per hour which is more efficient than most indoor rowing machines.  Therefore, combining rowing with a balanced, healthy diet can help you achieve your specific fitness goals.

As you can see, rowing machine benefits are numerous. From saving your joints and time to working out your entire body, rowing machine exercises are truly one of a kind. It is also the best at losing weight, building lean muscles, and burning calories.

For more machine rowing benefits, click HERE!

Check out the top selling Rowing Machines!