Sunny Health & Fitness Water Rowing Machine – Obsidian SF-RW5713 Review


The Sunny Health and Fitness Obsidian SF-RW5713 is a high-quality rower that provides high-quality rowing sessions. This rowing machine is designed to keep your sessions fascinating and demanding in order to keep you motivated and on track to your goals.

Studies have shown that rowing machines work up to 85 percent of the body’s muscles with low impact exercises, unlike other conventional exercises. This helps burn significantly more calories in a shorter period of time.

Is a Water Rowing machine betterKey specifications : Obsidian Rower

  • Water resistance
  • Floor stabilizers
  • Hydro rowing blades
  • Non-slip pedals equipped with nylon straps
  • R2 fitness meter
  • Transportation wheels

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Features and benefits of the Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RW5713 Rowing Machine

  • Water resistance

The Obsidian SF-RW5713 rower allows you to work out on water in the comfort of your home. The water ensures a steady and smooth rowing session. Water-resistance is provided by the flywheel as well as the 16 fan blades. The quicker the fan blades rotate the more the resistance and hydro-dynamic response which comes from the smooth interaction with the water, hence providing a unique experience

  • Hydro-blades

This rowing machine features high-density hydro blades that create resistance during rowing sessions. The blades spin and move against the water while overcoming water-resistance as well as corrosion and wear. The hydro blades are fixed to ensure smooth and vigorous rowing strokes and are designed to work with several different levels of water resistance

  • Durable and reliable

The SF-RW5713 rower is built using heavy-duty but light-weight steel, for maximum durability even when used to perform rigorous workouts. The 16 hydro blades imitate the movements of real-life competitive rowing and the non-slip handlebar is sweat-resistant.

It’s also wide enough to comfortably accommodate all hand sizes. The mesh belt is resistant to wear and tear because it’s designed to withstand the tension and friction of repeated pulling. The adjustable floor stabilizers help keep the rower stable on the floor even while you are working out.

  • Innovative fitness technology

The R2 fitness Meter accurately keeps a record of all important workout metrics such as total strokes, ambient temperature, time per 500M, total time, calories burnt, and many more.

Moreover, the meter makes it easy for users to create personalized exercise sessions or make use of the in-built pre-made workout programs. It works seamlessly with ANT+ heart rate technology (sold separately) which allows you to record an accurate heart rate and improve the effectiveness of your exercise sessions.

  • Transportation wheelsBest erg water rower

Simply lift the rower and the front wheels will allow you to move the machine conveniently without the need for muscle strain or heavy lifting.

  • Ergo-efficient

The non-slip foot pedal is equipped with long-lasting velcro straps designed to keep feet safely in place. Footpad pivots provide more room for the ankles and feet to move freely, hence enhancing rowing dynamics

  • Saves space

The rower is equipped with durable non-marking rubber wheels for easy movement. When not in use, you can prop it vertically against the wall to save space.

The Obsidian SF-RW5713 rower is designed to provide several levels of smooth resistance to suit fitness enthusiasts of all fitness levels.

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With the ability to work out up to 85% of the body’s muscles, it is definitely a worthwhile investment.